
联邦直接贷款计划为符合条件的学生提供补贴, 未受资助的, or Parent PLUS loans from the Department of Education to help eligible students cover the cost of higher education.

澳门新葡京博彩区获得任何这些贷款选择, 学生必须在截止日期内提交申请 贷款申请时间表 满足要求. 处理申请的时间为四至六星期.



  • 资格:

  • Parent PLUS loans are available to help parents pay the remaining cost of their child's education. A credit check of the parent is performed during the application and the parent will make their selections on:

      • 申请的贷款金额
      • 的 period that the loan will be paid such as fall only, fall and spring, spring only, and 夏天
      • Whether any refund will go to the student or parent after the student's balance is paid


      • 学生必须被归类为由FAFSA确定的依赖
      • 学生必须在他们的学位计划中注册至少6个学分
      • 学生必须保持 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP)
      • 学生必须填写 不完整的财政援助要求 包括验证
      • 申请的父母必须是亲生的、收养的或继父母. 
      • 申请家长必须有良好的信用记录,没有拖欠的学生贷款或PLUS贷款


  • 1. 完整的 the Federal Direct Loan Request through your ace account during our published 提交日期.


    2. 完整的 入学咨询 在studentaid.政府. 这是咨询,以确保您了解您的义务偿还贷款.

    3. 完成一个 主本票(或然数) 同意贷款的条件 在studentaid.政府.

    4. 回顾我们的 直接贷款资格 所有条款和条件的页面.

  • 1. 父方必须完成 家长PLUS贷款申请 在studentaid.政府在 提交日期.

    2. 家长必须填写一份 主本票(或然数) 同意贷款的条件 在studentaid.政府.



      • 如果信用检查最初被拒绝在家长加贷款申请, 有几个选项可以让它获得批准 背书人的信用或申诉 在studentaid.政府.
      • 如果这些选项中的任何一个被批准,父端也必须完成 PLUS信用咨询 在studentaid.政府. 
      • 如果信用检查被拒绝在家长加贷款申请, the student may be eligible to borrow additional 未受资助的 loans upon request and a review of eligibility. A 担保人的声明 from the parent and student must be submitted before the student is awarded additional 未受资助的 loans.


的 补贴贷款的利率 每年在助学金上发表.政府. Interest on a 补贴 loan is covered by 的 Department of Education as long as a student maintains at least half-time enrollment.


的 无补贴贷款的利率 每年在助学金上发表.政府. 一旦支付,利息就会开始累积.

虽然不需要提前支付利息, any unpaid interest that accumulates will be added to the total principal balance owed at the time of repayment.


的 家长加贷款的利率 每年在助学金上发表.政府. Interest will begin to accumulate for the parent that requested the loan once it has been disbursed. 


Keep track of your federal student loan history and learn about your loan servicers by logging in to the Federal Student 援助 website and visiting "My 援助".

父母 that have a Parent Plus loan will log in to their own account to view the history of the loan. 



补贴 & 未受资助的贷款 

偿还资助款项 & 未受资助的 loan is completed by the student and does not begin until after the first six months you leave school or drop below half-time enrollment (known as a grace period).


Repayment on the Parent Plus loan is completed by the parent and they can request for 延期还款 只要他们的学生还在上学. 


学生 who fail to repay their loans are considered to be in default of their loan payments and are not eligible to receive future aid until the default status is either rehabilitated or paid in full. For more information regarding the consequences of defaulting on a Direct Loan visit the FSA收藏网站.

学生 who are determined to have defaulted on loan payments obtained while at 阿拉莫大学 will be contacted by the Cennate i3Group. Cennate i3 is the only organization affiliated with 阿拉莫大学 for loan default purposes.


澳门新葡京博彩区与Ion学费合作, 自助网络工具, 帮助现在和以前的学生了解他们的联邦学生贷款. 创建一个IonTuition帐户 将允许您:

  • Check the status of your loan, payment amounts, due dates, and servicers in one location.
  • 利用预算和还款计算器来协助还款选择. 
  • 了解其他还款选择和解决方案,以避免违约. 

Ion Tuition还通过电话和电子邮件与学生联系. 学生对服务有任何疑问,请致电866-296-7955. 工作时间:周一至周四上午8点至晚上8点,周五上午8点至下午5点. 



另类学生贷款由私人贷款机构提供资金. It is highly recommend that you seek available Federal Direct Loan options from a FAFSA before you apply for an Alternative loan as they offer more benefits such as lower 利率 and they don't rely on a student's credit.


    • 每个私人贷款机构都有自己的一套资格标准, 利率, 以及还款要求. 
    • 替代贷款是基于a 学生的 信用记录和通常需要共同签名.
    • Alternative loans are primarily used when federal aid and scholarships do not cover a student's Cost of Attendance (COA).
    • 申请的贷款金额 cannot exceed your Cost of Attendance (COA) minus other financial aid.
    • 根据联邦贷款法, private lenders are required to provide multiple disclosures to the student borrower and to collect a Self-Certification Form.
    • 的 lender will also request eligibility certification from the 澳门新葡京博彩区. 请提前计划,因为这个过程将需要几个星期才能完成.

